The Do’s and Don’ts of Essay Writing: Advice from Academic Experts

College students may find writing essays to be a challenging assignment. Careful planning, research, and organization are necessary to communicate your thoughts and arguments effectively. We have gathered helpful guidance from academic authorities and perceptions from significant individuals like Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama to assist you in effectively navigating the procedure. In this post, we’ll look at the dos and don’ts of essay writing and provide practical advice for writing better essays and getting better grades. So let’s get started and learn how to write interesting, well-organized essays.

1. Do: Start with a Clear and Concise Thesis Statement

A powerful thesis statement is the first sentence of an essay. According to a quote by Nelson Mandela, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” The key topic or argument that you will explore and defend in your essay is represented by your thesis statement. Consider carefully developing a clear, concise, and disputed thesis statement. It should serve as a roadmap for your writing process and explicitly state the goals you have for your essay.

2. Don’t: Rush the Planning and Research Phase

Students frequently rush through the planning and research stage, which is one common error. As Obama once said, change won’t happen if we wait for someone else or another period. We are the ones for whom we have waited. The transformation that we desire is inside us. Please gather pertinent sources, read them carefully, and take notes. You will comprehend the subject matter better and be able to make educated arguments if you do extensive study.

3. Do: Outline Your Essay Before Writing

Before starting to write, it is essential to create an outline. As the wise Nelson Mandela put it, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Using an outline, you can better arrange your ideas, create a logical flow, and ensure your essay is focused and cohesive. An introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion should be included in your outline. Each paragraph in your essay should have a distinct goal and add to the broader argument. Outlining will save you time and keep you on track, preventing your essay from becoming disorganized or unclear.

4. Don’t: Overwhelm Your Essay with Excessive Information

While research is important, try not to fill your essay with too much data. Barack Obama once said that those who keep going would be rewarded in the future. I don’t have time to wallow in self-pity. I don’t have time to whine right now. I’m going to continue. Only provide the strongest, most pertinent arguments that directly support your thesis. To make your points clear, strategically use examples and facts. Keep in mind that quality matters more than quantity. Your objective is to present a concise article that captures the reader’s attention.

5. Do: Write in a Clear and Concise Manner

The secret to writing an effective essay is to be concise and clear. Nelson Mandela states, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” To communicate your views, use clear, basic language. Avoid using jargon or too complicated sentences that can confuse your audience. Clearly state your points and back them up with a logical justification. To guarantee your work is error-free, also pay attention to sentence structure and grammar. Your audience will find your essay more interesting and understandable if you write it clearly and straightforwardly.

6. Don’t: Neglect the Importance of Proofreading and Editing

The stages of editing and proofreading an essay are quite important. The best approach to stop feeling hopeless, according to Barack Obama, is to get up and do action. Don’t hold out for favourable circumstances to arise. You can give the world and yourself more hope if you set out and make some wonderful things happen. They can affect the calibre of your work if you ignore them. Check your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar mistakes as you revise and modify it. The extra time you spend editing and proofreading will greatly improve the overall calibre of your work.


For college students, essay writing is crucial; following these rules can greatly enhance your writing. As Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama both demonstrated, success requires guts, tenacity, and education. Before you begin writing, formulate a clear thesis statement, do extensive research, and create an outline. Focus on expressing your views succinctly and coherently rather than stuffing your essay with unnecessary details. Pay attention to language and sentence structure while writing clearly and captivatingly. Last but not least, make sure you carefully reread and revise your work. You’ll become a more competent and successful essay writer with practice and devotion to these suggestions.

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